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Healthcare Project for Scoliosis

FRICTION are jeans that detect your bad sitting posture and remind you to correct it.

Sitting cross-legged often causes spinal issues, such as scoliosis. Friction detects bad sitting postures and

reminds users to correct them. When sitting cross-legged, the rough back material of the jeans rubs the smooth

front one causing fading. This shows on corresponding areas based on different cross-legged sitting postures.
Once fading appears, specific posture drawings show up to remind users which bad posture they usually use. Users can exercise following these drawings to correct their spines. Even after fading, they are still a cool item

with a tattoo-like pattern. Friction is evolving fashion in a sustainable and healthy way.


  • People sit cross-legged unconsciously and need to be reminded. 

  • Jeans are rubbed on the corresponding areas based on different postures. 


2018 iF Award 


Collaborator: Jia-Qi

Date : 2017

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